Learn more about efforts for a complete count in South Carolina
What is the census?
Community Based Complete Count Committee
The contact information for each CCC is provided by state/local entities or organizations who agreed to share their details publicly. Find Your Location >>
Where are hard to count census tracts in your community?
In 2020 the Census Bureau will be sending mailings and hand-delivering census packets across the country with information for householders to fill out the 2020 census form. Some households in rural areas will be counted directly in-person. Learn More >>
Why does the census ask certain questions?
By law, the U.S. government is required to count the number of people living in the United States every 10 years. Getting an accurate count is important because census numbers impact daily life in the United States in many ways. Learn More >>
Available jobs with the US Census Bureau
With hundreds of thousands of temporary jobs across the United States and Puerto Rico, the U.S. Census Bureau may have a place for you on the 2020 Census team. Find Jobs >>
When does the census happen?
By April 1, 2020, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. Learn More >>
Publicly available materials to promote census participation
The United States 2020 Census Brand Guidelines is a new guide that introduces the 2020 Census logo and tagline, a key messaging tool for the decennial census outreach effort. Access All Public Materials >>
The United Way Association has partnered with EMILY Revolutionary Marketing Group to create branded content for SC Counts 2020. There are templates for print materials, social media, translated documents, logos and marketing guides on this site. Access All SC Counts 2020 Materials >>
#StandUpBeCounted Census video: Access here >>
Click here to view the Spanish language overview on Facebook Census Engagement